Dyckerhoff GmbH
Dyckerhoff Building Materials
for high performance concrete
NANODUR® Compound 5941
Brochure for NANODUR® Compound 5941 by Dyckerhoff GmbH
Brochure for VARIODUR® cement according to EN197 by Dyckerhoff GmbH
NANODUR® Export Instructions
Terms and conditions for export of NANODUR® Compound 5941 white and gray by Dyckerhoff GmbH

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Less CO2 through using high-performance concrete
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A Babylonien confusion of languages and simple solutions in practice
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UHPC shading elements create an iconic building in Qatar
Cement International No. 1/2018 and 5/2018
Nanotechnically optimized binders for the production of user-friendly high-performance concrete
Concrete Plant International CPI 02/2017
Machine parts made of concrete bound with cement
Concrete Plant International CPI 03/2017
Opening of a plant for UHPC machine frames in China
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High performance concrete with bonded joints