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Production of UHPC-Elements using Ultra High Performance
The video shows how components made of ultra-high-strength concrete for mechanical engineering are cast at the Sudholt-Wasemann concrete plant in Germany.
Bridge repair with fiber reinforced UHPC overlay
Building site with 240m² overlay within one day. The video shows the mixing, transport, casting , finishing and curing of the overlay for repair of the watertight layer and bridge preservation.
UHPC in a rotary drum mixer
UHPC is easy to mix if you use the binder Nanodur-Compound 5941 from Dyckerhoff GmbH. The video shows mixing in a simple free-fall mixer from the DIY store.
Mixing Instructions Nanodur UHPC
Mixing demonstration of 1 liter UHPC using the binder Nanodur compound 5941 in a laboratory mixer.
YouTube Channel
If you are looking for German videos about mechanical engineering, please go to our YouTube-channel below.
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Vergussbeton DURFILL für den Maschinenbau, UHPC Casting Compound Durfill for Machinery Industry

Webinar UHPC für den Maschinenbau #1 "Konstruieren von Maschinengestellen aus UHPC-Beton"